
Rose of Sharon offers crucial lifeline to new mothers and their babies

Providing young mothers with the tools and education they need to raise their children

Being a teenager today is hard enough. Friendships, body image, social media, finding your voice, discovering who you are as a person. Now imagine trying to juggle parenting and taking care of a baby at the same time.

This is the challenge facing many young mothers in York Region. Rose of Sharon Services for Young Mothers is here to support these young women as they raise their babies. Rose of Sharon offers free support programs for young expectant mothers and young parents.

Each year, they support approximately 300 young mothers and their children in York Region with a variety of free services. These young women, who may be homeless, living in shelters or staying with friends, are often marginalized. Add in a young child and you have a stressful situation for anyone, let alone a teenager.

“There’s self-doubt; imagine being really young and already wondering who you are and what your ability is to take care of your baby,” said Deanne Kukulewich, executive director of Rose of Sharon.

“The research we do shows us time and time again that compliments, praise from someone who says, ‘You’re a great mother,’ and ‘You’re doing a great job,’ give them more confidence. They feel like they’re making a difference. They’re giving their baby the best life possible.”

One way Rose of Sharon helps these mothers succeed is by offering them an on-site high school, called York Academy, where they can work toward their high school diploma and continue their education. Last school year, York Academy celebrated the success of six graduates.

The school transports every student residing in the York Region to York Academy and provides free childcare for their babies while the mothers work in the classroom to achieve their goal. Students and their babies enjoy a nutritious breakfast and lunch, which promotes their growth and improves their ability to learn.

Thanks to the generous support of community donations and program funding, Rose of Sharon is able to offer all of these services free of charge. And they raise money through major events, like their annual charity golf tournament. This year’s event will be held on September 19 at Silver Lakes Golf & Country Club.

Attendees can expect a day of fun on the fairways, plenty of food and beverages, raffle prizes and a silent auction. The 5th Annual Rose of Sharon Golf Tournament will also be hosted by celebrity guest John Catucci, comedian and Food Network Canada host of “You’ve Gotta Eat Here!” and “Big Food Bucket List.”

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for this event, and foursomes can still register for the tournament on September 19. Every round helps ensure that young mothers in York Region continue to receive these essential services at no cost. To register or for more information, visit

Another fundraising event vital to Rose of Sharon’s efforts is the Market Brewing Company’s charity bingo night, which takes place every Thursday in October. There will also be a benefit concert hosted by Amanda Wilson of Desjardins Insurance on November 30, headlined by “From The Hip.”

As the saying goes, it takes a village to support these families. But with the overwhelming support of York Region, Rose of Sharon continues to provide a safe space for young mothers to raise healthy children. This not only builds a brighter future for the mothers, but also lays the foundation for a brighter future for their children.

“We wouldn’t be able to do this without the generosity of our community,” Kukulewich said. “It sends a positive message to our young mothers that people are thinking of them and want the best for them and their babies.”

To register your team or for sponsorship information regarding the 5th Annual Rose of Sharon Golf Tournament, visit the Rose of Sharon website.

And for more details on the crucial work Rose of Sharon provides to young mothers in York Region, visit

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