
Telegram-Linked Toncoin Slumps 20% Since Pavel Durov's Arrest—As Crypto Industry Calls For Billionaire's Release


The value of Toncoin, the cryptocurrency linked to the messaging platform Telegram, has slumped more than 20% since French authorities arrested Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov on Saturday as part of an investigation into the alleged criminal activity on the app.

Key Facts

Toncoin is the native crypto token of The Open Network blockchain—which began life as the Telegram Open Network developed by brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov.

Since the Telegram CEO's arrest on Saturday, Toncoin's price has slipped from roughly $6.80 to $5.42.

The TON Society, the blockchain's official community group, condemned Durov's arrest Tuesday, calling it a “direct assault on a basic human right – the freedom of expression of everyone.”

The statement called on French authorities to respect Telegram's “right to protect the freedom of expression, privacy of its users, and right to private life.”

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News Peg

Aside from TON, which shares strong links with Telegram and Durov, the wider crypto industry has rallied to support the Russian-born billionaire. Shortly after his arrest, TRON blockchain founder Justin Sun pledged $1 million to set up a blockchain-based decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to help Durov “legally gain freedom.” Sun did not clarify how this DAO would operate or how it would help the detained Telegram CEO. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin also expressed concern about Durov's situation, saying while he has criticized Telegram in the past “for not being serious with encryption,” his arrest “looks very bad and worrying for the future of software and comms freedom in Europe.” Telegram's loser moderation and community features have made it a popular app for cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts.

Key Background

The Durovs originally developed the TON blockchain as part of an effort to create Telegram's own crypto token called Grams. The project, however, ran into legal trouble in 2019 with the Securities and Exchange Commission for illegally raising funds from US investors using the coin offering to finance their business. In 2020, Telegram agreed to pay a fine of $18.5 million as part of a settlement with the SEC. After the settlement, TON operated independently from Telegram. Despite being separate entities, Telegram allows users to make payments on its app using Toncoin.


Early on Wednesday, the TON blockchain faced a nearly five-hour-long outage, which it blamed on an “abnormal load” on its network—prompting major crypto exchanges like Binance to suspend all transactions on the network. The increased load on the network was linked to the drop of a new meme coin in support of Durov.

When, Where And Why Was Durov Arrested?

Durov was arrested at the Le Bourget Airport near Paris on Saturday, shortly after landing from Azerbaijan. The Russian-born billionaire is now a citizen of both France and the United Arab Emirates. While Durov has not been formally charged yet, he has been kept in custody and questioned by French law enforcement authorities. An unnamed French prosecutor told the New York Times that Durov's arrest is linked to an investigation into criminal activity on Telegram, which began in July. The criminal activity being covered by the investigation includes the distribution of child sexual abuse material, drug sales, money laundering and refusing to cooperate with law enforcement.

Forbes Valuation

According to our estimates, Durov's current net worth is $15.5 billion, which ranks him 120 on Forbes' Real-Time Billionaire list.

Further Reading

What To Know About Pavel Durov: Arrested Telegram CEO In The Middle Of Growing Tensions Between Russia And France—And Others (Forbes)

Officials Confirm Arrest Of Billionaire Telegram CEO Pavel Durov In France: Here's What We Know (Forbes)

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